Sunday, October 8, 2017

He's a Good Bull, But...

This account occurred a few months ago. Mother appreciated greatly when our neighbor, Joe Day, did what I couldn't do. He got Caramel back in Mother's pasture. Mother quipped after Joe's call to say Caramel was back, "I imagine Joe wasn't as easy with that bull as you were, but I'm glad he got him back where he belongs!"
         Caramel received his name because of his rich, warm color. Even though he is a four-year-old bull, his gentleness has only deepened, but he remains determined.
Caramel with his youngest offspring, a cute little
heifer calf.
         To my consternation, I found him standing stock-still, in the corner of our neighbor's pasture, as close as possible to our pasture where he belonged.
         He had adrenalin pumping as he had torn through the fence the night before. I discovered where he had breached the fence.  I slowly walked behind him, at a distance so he felt in charge. Four times we approached the spot in the fence where he had accessed the forbidden pasture of our neighbor. Caramel considered and even stuck his head through the opening, but each time he withdrew, choosing to remain where he did not belong.
         Many people are like Caramel. They wander uneasy in unfamiliar territory. They approach the narrow way, as Jesus described it. Just as Caramel had only one way to get to where he had been born and lived all of his short bull life, in the same manner, Jesus explained He was the only way to eternal life, inner peace, and lasting contentment.
         As Caramel rejected the only way to truly fulfill his purpose, so many people refuse to acknowledge that Jesus is the only way to forgiveness and a meaningful life.
        Finally, to get to the pasture where Caramel belonged, he had to bend down to get through the narrow opening. Humbling oneself is necessary to initiate a relationship with Jesus, the Lord and Savior of willing hearts.

Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.   Matthew 7:13-14 (NKJV)

Jesus said, “I tell you for certain that I am the gate ...” John 10:7 (CEV)

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