Sunday, May 19, 2019

Just Missed One Day

               Anyone who suffers with allergies may be able identify with this posting.
               For me, allergy season lasts for 365 days, unless it is a leap year, then the length becomes 366 days. For this reason, my brother-in-law, the ARNP, suggested I take daily 10 mg of cetirizine hydrochloride. I experience much relief from this ongoing medication regimen.
                Missing one day can trigger a sinus-generated headache. After battling the severe headache and nausea one time, I now use a pill keeper. Each morning with my one cup of coffee, I take the little white pill that wards off painful headaches and their aftermath. The pill organizer enabled me to keep healthy and on track even in the most pollen-laden times of year.
                A few weeks ago, I zipped out to feed the farm cats on a Tuesday morning. As I filled their water container, I began a sneezing frenzy. I thought How unusual this is. Upon entering the house, I picked up the pill organizer as I walked past the lazy susan where it is stored. Sure enough, the little white pill glared at me from inside the M compartment – the Monday spot of the lavender -tinted organizer.
                I gasped. The previous day – a Monday -  I had walked considerably in the pasture to locate a new baby calf. Then I had mowed and began weed-eating. How could I have overlooked this medication that is necessary for me to function? I was thankful that my reaction had been low-key  and was only annoying sneezing. Forgetting that little pill could have led to worse ramifications.
                Forgetting in our spiritual lives can have negative effects. Moses cautioned the Israelites of the triple threat of forgetting in his final treatise to them . He told them, in Deuteronomy 4:9 to keep reminding themselves and their children of all the miraculous works of God they had seen and experienced lest they forget and it departs “from your heart.” Then Moses, the great law giver, warned against forgetting the covenant of the Lord in Deuteronomy 4:23. The inclination of forgetting one’s commitment to the Lord opened the door to serving something or someone else. Finally, Moses said in Deuteronomy 8:11,
Beware that you do not forget the Lord your God by not keeping His commandments, His judgments, and His statutes which I command you today.
Once again, God’s people of yesteryear and followers of Jesus today are reminded of the importance of remembering His commandments, judgments, and statutes or God’s Word.
                For a whole day I did not realize I had failed to take the allergy medicine. I went about the mowing, cattle checking, and weed-eating unprotected. Then my memory was jogged by the sneezing “fit.” In our spiritual lives, we can forget all the things we have seen God do in our own lives, We can forget the covenant or agreement we entered into with Him. Finally, for prolonged periods, we may forget to read His word. Each of these spiritual memory lapses, whether forgetting the blessings of God, the promise we made to Him, or not reading His word, will only lead to detrimental effects in our lives.
Don’t forget to remember!

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