Sunday, September 8, 2019

When the Resurrection Lily Landed On Its Head

The Resurrection Lily on its Head
          A few weeks ago, after a thunderstorm, I discovered a cluster of resurrection lilies broken from their stalk. Drops of rain intermingled with the mud and dirt on the thin, delicate pink petals. The wind gusts had snapped the blossoms from the tall stem and dashed the pink lilies to the ground. The blustery wind twisted and twirled them so they landed upside down – on their pretty little heads.
          I could not let them lay in the damp bed in such disarray. Mother would enjoy looking at them in one of her vases. Sure enough, I found a cute, white milk glass vase in which the decapitated resurrection lily fit perfectly.
The tiny spatters of mud and dirt are visible 
on these lilies treated roughly by the wind.
          How many times do we feel the storms of life blow us about indiscriminately and slam us down? The Psalmist addressed this in Psalm 34:18
The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.
When we experience brokenness, do we dissolve into depression or do we recall God’s promise to “be near” to the brokenhearted? When harsh words or actions have “crushed” our spirit, the Lord’s promise stands strong to soothe and save us.
Eugene Peterson paraphrased “saves the crushed in spirit,” in The Message with this phrase, “He’ll help you catch your breath.” Most of us remember as children falling and “getting the breath knocked out of us.” The first few seconds were downright scary, as we were sprawled on the ground, feeling as though we would never get another breath. We tried to gasp for air but were powerless to do that.
When a crushing of our spirit happens in our life, God will ensure we breathe again. Just as I reached down and saved the little broken resurrection lily from utter destruction and extended its beauty and life, so God picks us up, holds us upright again, and uses us despite our short-winded state.
Lord, when I feel I am gasping for breath, remind me of Your presence with me. Give me eyes to recognize You reviving my overwhelmed spirit, knowing You are lifting me back onto a path of service to honor You.

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