June 15th will mark 103 years since my father’s birth on the northwest part of the south bend of the Arkansas River in Osage County. This area is commonly referred to as “the Bend.”
Dad and his brothers had so many pithy sayings that conveyed truth or explained a situation precisely in a few words. I’ve written before about his favorite witticisms. (A link to this blog post is at: https://bernadeanjgates.blogspot.com/2015/06/witty-wisecracks-and-wisdom-of-edmund.html )
One that I have found myself using repeatedly
is Money can’t buy that. Every time I am shown a new baby, I usually
respond with Money can’t buy that, especially if the young parent knew
Dad. I have yet to have a new mother or father disagree with the statement.
Only God can truly create life even with the latest genetic scientific
discoveries. Life still begins with God.
When a gravely ill person regains
health even though death seems imminent, Dad’s adage applies. Only God holds life
and death in His hand. The couple with a marriage that appears doomed to
irreparable brokenness finds themselves resigned to its dissolution. Upon the marriage’s
reclamation, the couple rejoices that even though Money can’t buy a good
marriage, theirs is much better than it originally was. Again,
only God can change our wills and attitudes to conform to harmony in relationships
instead of hatred.
I glimpse situations beyond
my control daily. Sometimes it seems I pray moment by moment for God’s guidance and
resolution of cattle/farm issues. Without fail, He interjects Himself on my behalf. The
outcome frequently is not as I had expected but always working for the best, as He
promises in Romans 8:28.
Every person, atheist, agnostic, or believer, experiences the goodness
of God innumerable times. If we recognize that gift of lovingkindness from
God’s hand, we will join Dad in saying, “Money can’t buy that.” These verses
bear out God’s goodness and are verses worth meditating on daily.
The Lord, the Lord God,
merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth. Exodus
Lord is good to all, and His tender mercies are over all His works. Psalm 145:9
The habit of looking for provisions
that money can’t buy illumines a life and creates an awareness of God’s presence. Often at a moment of weakness,
despondency, or disillusionment, the Father of Lights (see James 1:17) becomes
so visible with His intangible gifts for us.
So good as always.