Sunday, May 10, 2015

Jake's Indomitable Spirit

This article, inspired by Jake Marsh, first appeared in the winter 2010 issue of Teachers of Vision. The month of May is Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month. I hope Jake's indomitable spirit serves as an impetus to motivate readers to a heightened awareness of Cystic Fibrosis. 

An Unlikely Role Model
            On a Thursday morning, just a little after 7 a.m., I stood at my desk in my school classroom. I was overwhelmed. The hectic week had been filled with numerous conferences with my student teacher, preparation for that evening’s parent/teacher conferences, completion of that quarter’s report cards, and to top it off – no computer access thus making impossible the completion of most of my work. For some reason I had also battled a severe headache. As a teacher who likes to be a step ahead, that morning I was feeling several miles behind where I thought I should have been.
            As I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders, I glanced down at an assignment that had been handed in the previous day. It was in Braille but had the written translation on it. One sentence instantly leaped off the page at me.  It said, “I am living a great life.” My inner complaints were crushed into bits. This statement had been written by a visually-impaired student who also grappled with cystic fibrosis, which often caused him to struggle throughout the day with convulsive coughing. Yet he quite pleasantly wrote another sentence on down the page, “I am having a great life.” 
            I could attend motivational conferences guaranteeing life-altering changes in my outlook on teaching. Educational books and periodical articles with catchy titles entice battle-worn teachers with miraculous solutions to the difficulties encountered and a cure for their own burnout. This delightful child who lost his sight as an infant due to a medical error inspires me more than the most well-educated, polished presenter or highly acclaimed author.  This courageous student daily lives his life with an optimism and positivity that compels me to retain an attitude and determination that rises above the defeating circumstances of the toughest times. He’s my role model and definitely one deserving of daily emulation.

Jake's class of third graders provided daily support for him. We all benefited from
his humor, insight, and cheerful attitude in our classroom. Memories we made that
year are a joy to recall and will forever be cherished.

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