Sunday, January 31, 2016

Sami Didn't Care

Sam-I-Am or Sami, as he was most frequently called, was a year-old tomcat. He had the appearance of being a Siamese, but his mother was just a wild, stray cat that came to the farm to have her kittens. She had five kittens. Just after weaning them, she disappeared.
Sami was the tamest of the outdoor kittens. Sami just loved his “people.” Sami wanted to be with people at the clothesline, at the mailbox, and anywhere he encountered them. I accidentally stepped on Sami since he insisted on walking so close. He never uttered a loud “meow,” but continued trying  to get as close as he could to me.
Sami relaxing in the chair on the front porch and waiting for a person
Sami came running – no matter which cat I called. Tailer and Bob, who had been dubbed “the princes of Belford” were often called since they slept on the screened-in porch each night. Sami came scurrying right up. Pretty Face and Moonbeam, were two beautiful calicos. But when they were called, who came? You quessed it – Sami!
Sami looked for every excuse to be around me or another person who came to the farm. Other cats were called for special treatment, but Sami showed up, too. Even when told to get back or move out of the way, Sami remained undaunted.
Sure enough, priority to Sami was being around his human family. Are we like that with God? When we see Him grant special blessings to a fellow Christian, do we relish being there just to be in His presence? When others in our circle achieve our dreams, our goals, and our desires, do we celebrate with them? Do we rejoice at someone receiving recognition instead of us? Sami did. Sami’s primary aim was to be with his “person.” 
In Psalm 16:11, David wrote, “You cause me to know the path of life; in Your presence is joyful abundance, at Your right hand there are pleasures forever.” David experienced joy and sufficiency merely by his knowledge of God’s presence ever with him.
Sami at the clothesline
 An awareness of God’s promised presence with us enables us to experience joy – that peaceful inner contentment based on our relationship with Him, not our circumstances. The realization of this is not only for each day but forevermore. Who would believe a Siamese-looking cat would be the catalyst for reminding those of us who trust and obey Jesus just how precious basking in His presence can be?

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