Sunday, April 10, 2016

Grand Sir's Baby Girl

This posting is about a happening on the farm  last year. Daily we experience events in our lives when God is exemplifying His truths as a tangible example of what He is like and how He works based on His principles in His Word.
A Little Calf Shall Lead Them
                A yearling bull was being a typical “adolescent” bovine. He had gotten out four times. I had two different neighbors help me get him back in the first two times. The last two times I had gotten him back inside the fence by myself. The determined yearling just charged back through the fence, damaging it on his return. He was going to the weekly livestock auction, but that was the following day. I had to get him into a more secure pasture for the night. A young, black bull and a dark road are not a good combination.
                As I carried my long, self-made “staff” I began walking through the pasture where my parents’ small herd was grazing, using my unique sooking call. Just as dusk was falling, I realized I would have to move the cattle immediately by myself. I began praying, “Lord, help me.”
                To my amazement, a little white calf that was almost three months old was following closely behind me. I was afraid she was going to butt my behind! Glancing back, I glimpsed the entire little herd moving with the tiny, white heifer calf and me. Within a few minutes, all of the cows, yearlings, and calves were in the secure pasture with the gate closed behind them.
                I breathed a prayer of thankfulness for the Lord’s help. It could have been a fiasco. The astonishing fact remained that the little white calf had lead the exit. The phrase from Isaiah 11:6 dealt with the millennial reign of Jesus when it states, “A little child shall lead them.”  The Bible teaches that this will be a time when people on earth will live life as God originally intended humans to live.
                A young child demonstrates love readily and forgives wholeheartedly. No wonder Jesus told us to respond to Him as children.
                Jesus selected a little one to teach his adult listeners on one occasion. He said “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.”
                What a reminder that we must open our hearts to the realization that we need God to lead us! His way is the best and the only way to eternal peace and life. Jesus said to His followers, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
                Let’s have the tender heart of a child and follow explicitly our Leader and Lord. There is such assurance in following the One who created us and gave Himself for us. Fulfill His desire for daily communication with us as we hear from Him in the Bible. Then we can respond with a heart full of thankfulness as we talk to Him in prayer.

The little white calf just hours after her birth.
Grand Sir's Baby Girl, the name she has been given,
 as she looked a few months ago. She resembles,
 in color, her father, Dad's bull that didn't like fences. 

As Dad would say, "She's the making of a good cow."

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