Sunday, April 16, 2017

Tucker, You Have No Idea What You Fell Into

My sister, an animal lover, related this story to me about one of her dear friend's dogs. As I listened, the power of the account spoke so much to me of even deeper truths so evident at the Easter season.
                To her horror as she looked out her workplace's window, someone in a moving vehicle threw a small animal out of the window! An avid animal lover, the stunned teen-ager bounded outside full speed. She reached down and scooped the frightened puppy into her arms. How could people be so irresponsible and heartless? The compassionate teen knew she didn’t have to ask permission; her tenderhearted mother loved animals, especially the forsaken. She knew and trusted her Mom's heart and without hesitation, she and the "throw away" puppy headed home.
Sure enough, the discarded, abandoned pup found himself the center of more attention and care than his little canine mind could have imagined! He had toys, a soft, warm bed, dog sisters to play with, and all the food & treats he could hold.  Often her dad looked at Tucker, the name given the rescued dog, and commented, “Tucker, you have no idea what you fell into!”  He was part of a family instantly.  His future was bright and secure. Tucker had arrived in his forever home!
A recent picture of Tucker from his family's collection. 
                How many people are like little Tucker – misused, discarded, unwanted, and cast off without a sliver of hope? The only chance of survival is an intervention from One with the power to reclaim the rejected and ruined person from the state of destitution and ultimate destruction.
                Jesus addresses this in John 10 as He presents Himself as the Good Shepherd. Specifically, in John 10:10, He draws the obvious contrast between Satan and Himself, when he says, “A thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy. I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.” (The Message, 2005)
                This “better life than adorable little Tucker could have dreamed of” became a reality for him when he was rescued and adopted into an animal-loving home. Tucker’s experience mirrors what Jesus did for each of us who have received His forgiveness and entered into daily living in His presence.  All humans are on a collision course with Satan and his plan to destroy in one way or another all humans’ lives.              
                His destructiveness glares menacingly in some lives ravaged by addiction or caustic, dangerous relationships or damaging choices. But Satan’s subtle plan for inner ruin in the life of an apparently upstanding person begins with pride that leads to judgmental attitudes, resulting in unforgiveness in relationships with family members, neighbors, or colleagues at work. As understated as his devastation appears in seemingly respectable individuals, the final result of ruin is no less destructive in lives.
                  As we have observed Good Friday, the sordidly, gruesome day when the perfect, holy Son of God allowed utter humiliation and inhumane violence to be inflicted upon Him without any retaliation, we witnessed His lavish, self-sacrificing love in action. Paul wrote that Jesus who was sinless became sin for us on the cross that we might have a new beginning - just like little Tucker.
                  Resurrection Sunday or Easter perfectly depicts the new beginning for the resurrected Christ and for us who have wholeheartedly place our trust in Him to take our sins in exchange for a new life - just like Little Tucker.
                Lord, may we have hearts of gratitude for how you reclaimed us from destructive paths and distressing thought patterns, recognizing how different our lives would be without You, the only source of hope and redemption. In turn, as we see others being wrecked by the wickedness of Satan, give us the boldness to prayerfully, reach out to bring them to You, the only one to rescue them from heartbreak and ultimate death. What joy that You alone can and desire to give us new lives,  new beginnings! Thanks be to You who is risen indeed!

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