Sunday, December 2, 2018

The Warmth of Nearness

The Power of Two (or More)
                Wild Tabby could have been characterized as a kitten manufacturing machine. She was a cat that just appeared here at the farm. After living here for about five years, she disappeared. To my horror, she left us with two little kittens. Unfortunately, none of our mother cats expressed compassion to care for those orphan kittens. Surprisingly, the two tiny ones wormed their way in to eat with the older kittens and cats. Like their mother, the skittish kittens resisted being held but would tolerate being petted gently while eating.
                As autumn brought a chill to the mornings and evenings, a sight warmed my heart on several occasions. The first time I viewed this, I was returning from checking the cattle. To my delight, the tiny tabby kitten was cuddled close to one of the older cats. Its head was resting on the neck of the older feline. Finally, I decided to chronicle compassion and togetherness in the cat kingdom when I saw three older cats keeping the littlest kitten living on the farm warm. 
Older cats warmed the little
orphan kitten by "sandwiching" it 

between the two of them.

                Often, we are reminded in the scripture to observe animals and their behavior. As I snapped these photos of the cats, I thought of Solomon’s passage in Ecclesiastes about the importance of comradery, encouragement, and helping one another. The King of Israel who ruled during the Golden Age pitied anyone who was alone in difficulty or even in work. Then the verse from the passage in Ecclesiates came to mind when I glimpsed the orphan kitten resting cozily between two of our older cats. Ecclesiastes 4:11 reads Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; But how can one be warm alone? King Solomon concluded with this phrase, …a threefold cord is not quickly broken.
                In sincerity, may we eagerly support the weak, befriend those alone, lift up the fallen, and come to the aid of the defenseless. As we enter the cold season, in a tangible way we can provide warmth to the one in need of  home heating fuel. 
               Shivering bodies and red, chapped hands should be cocooned in warmth provided by coats and gloves. James 2:15-16 says If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of food, and one of you says to them, "Depart in peace, be warmed and filled," and you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit?
              A word of encouragement can warm a heart. A scripture passage shines the glowing light of the awareness of the never-changing Father of lights into a heart frozen by incessant rejection and hurt. The epitome of successfully comforting, encouraging, and extending warmth shows in the restful peace visible in the countenance of the one so alone and so in need.
What a picture of peace on the face of the little orphan kitten as it rested between
Oreo Cookie Cat and Scaredy Cat!

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