Sunday, April 28, 2019

Amazement on Easter Evening

Easter Day of 2019
                 What a glorious day this Resurrection Sunday was! My sister and brother-in-law met Mother and me for Sunday morning services. We truly celebrated as a family this year – no home renovation projects, no farm maintenance tasks, no cattle or cat emergencies. The shared preparation of the midday meal left no one harried and weary. Enjoyable and thoughtful conversation kept exchanges lively and purposeful at Mother’s table, as is the usual case. Mother always stressed good, uplifting table talk from our earliest days.
                After we said our “good-byes” and Ben and Angie pulled onto Big Bend Road, I walked up to check the cattle and get my daily count. I could hear Red Cow with an all-white tail lowing for her calf that is a “mini-me” of her. I could not see her baby bull. The other four red calves relaxed under one of the trees.
                Soon her lowing turned into bellowing. My sensitivity causes me to be alarmed when a mama cow becomes distraught over her missing calf. She ran to various parts of the south west pasture looking for her baby bull.
                My main concern had been for our one "replacement" heifer. I usually check cattle early each morning but attending church services had made that difficult. However, just prior to leaving for Easter services, using binoculars, I had seen her grazing ravenously.
                Red White-tail Cow continued stressing by being unable to locate her eight-day-old calf. As I walked back toward the house, I glanced back one last time. I could hardly believe what I saw - not the little 8-day-old red calf with his white tail. Instead east of the Big Pond, stood the heifer with a tiny calf standing next to her. 
                Hustling to the house, I told Mother the news about the heifer’s new calf. Clutching the pickup keys, I zipped out and grabbed the handle of the recycled red plastic coffee container with around a pound of pellets in it. (This is a throwback from my days of teaching and "celebrating success." I  reward each new mama cow with a pound of pellets.) Circling the area dubbed the "Bear's Den" around the pond, I prayed for the usually docile heifer to welcome me and the pellets I had for her. Sure enough, she never flinched a muscle but only glanced up as I approached.
                She heard me gently shake the pellets inside the red plastic coffee container.  As I spilled the pellets on the grass, the first-time mama advanced toward me. Soon she was consuming the pellets vigorously, I snapped a photo of the tiny calf. What an amazing Easter surprise!
Our little heifer - now a cow - with
her Easter Day surprise.
              I thanked the Lord for protecting our heifer as she delivered her first calf. I recalled how many times, Dad had called Dr. Charles Wills, DVM, when he had his vet clinic in Ralston. Yes, God had been gracious to Mother and me. my mind and heart was filled  with this verse from James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation of shadow of turning.
                As Dad’s old truck rumbled back around the Bear’s Den, I thought I’ll make one pass on the southwest side of the pasture. Red White Tail Cow was bawling loudly but the wind was dissimilating much of the sound. As I headed slowly toward Big Bend Road, a little head popped up for only a second. Stopping the old pickup, I hopped out and crept to the low place where I thought I glimpsed the little head. Sure enough, the red calf leaped up and scampered east with his white tail twisting. He stopped to look back at me. I popped my gloves together and told him, “Keep going. Get back to your mama. She’s looking for you.”
                As we topped the terrace, there was the Red White Tail Cow with her head lifted looking our way. As her little calf ran to her, I wondered what she thought. I knew she was not thinking of actions driven by concern for her.
                You have forgotten the Lord, your Maker, who stretched out the heavens and laid the foundations of the earth. You fear continually all day long… Isaiah 51:13 (The Voice)
                     How easily we forget! One of my favorite happenings of the first Resurrection weekend is often called "The Road to Emmaeus." In Luke 24, Jesus fell into step with Cleopas and his companion - yet they had no inkling it was Jesus. They related to the risen Christ the events of the previous few days.They mentioned the angels telling the women that Jesus had risen , but concluded with the phrase, "but they did not see Jesus."
               During their discussion, Jesus caused their hearts to burn within themselves as He...opened the Scriptures. Luke stated in his gospel of Jesus's explanation of Himself based on Old Testament scriptures, that as soon as "their eyes were opened," Jesus disappeared from them. They were amazed that they had walked and talked with their risen Savior and didn't even realize it.
               We are often like Cleopas and his companion who loved Jesus but could hardly believe Jesus would really rise. Time after time we read of His faithfulness in the Bible. Over and over, He works on our behalf. Yet when difficulty crosses our path, we waver in our trust in Him to act on our behalf.
            Lord, no Easter basket could ever compare with the wonderful gift of a healthy new calf and its proud mama on Resurrection Sunday. But even more, thank you for the gift of salvation purchased by Jesus, Your Son. May we ever have hearts full of trust and gratitude for all You do moment by moment in our lives.
Our 2019 Easter Gift nestled in the grass.

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