Sunday, July 18, 2021

Lou Gates and Ann Goad - Lifelong Friends

 This week we held Vacation Bible School at our church in Ralston. My aunt, Lou Gates, celebrated her birthday this week, too. Even though she no longer works in VBS, her commitment to VBS was strong in the past. She invited her grandchildren to stay with her all week long, transported them to the church each day, and helped serve the much sought-after cookies and Kool-Aide to each student and worker at the VBS. She so desired for her grandchildren to hear about Jesus and receive Him as their Savior. Ann Goad, her dear friend, also worked faithfully in VBS at the Big Bend Baptist Church and the Ralston Bible Church.* May their dedication to ensure children know who Jesus is and learn to love Him serve as inspiration to all of us. Happy Birthday to You, Aunt Lou!

 I have heard the statistic of the rarity of a person who has five lifelong friends. One of the finest examples of genuine friendship was eloquently described in a poem penned by Lou Dixon Gates, my paternal aunt. She doesn’t share her poetry readily. Her poem captures the strong friendship she shared with Ann Christensen Goad.

                She and Ann Christensen Goad met at Burbank High School in 1950. They shared a love of playing basketball and soon found they had other interests in common.

                As the poem depicts, these two kindred spirits shared a common bond that held them together through marriages, bearing four children each, reaching their career goals, and supporting each other amidst sorrow and illness.

                The two “girls” involved their husbands in their friendship as her poem bears out. The four enjoyed attending many sporting events together. They took in the yearly farm show, making it a two-day adventure.

                I recall Uncle Jim Gates regretting that he didn’t go visit Forrest “Frosty” Goad, Ann’s husband, for the last time. Uncle Jim had innumerable rounds of treatments to combat the Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma that invaded his body. I remember sharing with him a scripture verse that had encouraged me when the constraints of life prevented me from doing all I would like to do for a person or in a situation. Jesus spoke of Mary of Bethany, responding to criticism of her anointing him with costly perfume, with these words recorded in Mark 14: 8, “She has done what she could.” Jesus went on to explain that her action would be an ongoing memorial of her love for Him. A true friend understands our limitations and loves us, truly valuing any expressions of genuine friendship, no explanations or apologies needed, 

                The writer of Proverbs inspired by the spirit of God wrote in Proverbs 17:17, “A friend loves at all times.” My aunt’s poem illustrates this Biblical principle. She and Ann lived out this verse throughout their lives. 

Lou Dixon Gates who would readily
show you her keepsake book with 
names of  her grandchildren and the
date each received Jesus as their
Savior. Some of the names are
written in their own handwriting!

by Lou Gates

Two Girls

One country girl

Outside chores and walked a lot

One city girl

Inside jobs and walked a little

    School together       

Science, Miss Mantooth

History, Mrs. Brandenburg

English, Mrs. Norman

Typing, Gussie

Drivers Ed, Mr. Stegall

Change gears going up school hill


Mr. Stegall

Wasn’t as old as we thought

Bus rides

Girls to the front, boys to the back

Teamwork, signals, plays

Noon hour

Joe Hedge drug

Coke in a bottle

Spearmint gum a nickel pkg

Sat nights

Fairfax a must

One dollar paid for

Hamburger, Malt, Movie and Dance


Dated several

Picked two,

Wouldn’t you know they were both coon hunters

Each of the four

Accepted Christ as Savior

The city girl moved to the country

Walked a lot

The country girl moved to the city

Walked little

Busy life four children each





As promised

Thru thick and thin

Grace, Mercy and Peace


*To read more about Ann's VBS teaching, go to . 

Ann Goad had four great grandsons attend VBS this week. Vonda Smith Goad, her daughter -in-law, helped serve refreshments at VBS with two granddaughters -in-law, Bailey Hime Goad and Tiffany Atkins Goad taught classes in VBS 2021. 

To see a photo of Ann, go to

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