Sunday, June 23, 2024

Falls Creek Back in the Day


Kneeling: Paul Warnock, Darrel Banning (served as a lineman and died in 
1982), Tony Warnock. Standing: Jim Warnock, Linda Laird, Janice Wolf, 
Glenda Wolf, Jean Banning, Nancy LeForce, Opal Warnock, Vonnie Laird, 
Gilbert Domeny (who served his country for 20 years, retired, and died 
in 2019)

        A photo from the photograph collection of my maternal grandma, Gladys Rainey Smith, inspired memories of a newly formed church and its ministry to young people over 60 years ago.

        The Masham Baptist Church originated from brush arbors preceded by all-night prayer meetings. Mother said Brother Ray Hart, the preacher with a burning desire to see people’s lives changed by Jesus, guided in the building of the initial church structure. He taught his congregation the Bible with an unrivaled fervor for them to grow in grace. Mother said those early days of the Masham Baptist Church mirrored the last phrase of Nehemiah 4:6, The people had a mind to work. The congregation’s unity and willingness to work exemplified the first church in Acts.

        A couple of summers, my grandparents accompanied young campers to Falls Creek. Both had been saved as adults so had never attended or chaperoned a week with teens. Even though they didn’t meet the typical criteria for youth sponsors, some of those youth as older adults still comment on their week with my grandparents so many decades ago.

        Grandma was in her late fifties and attended primarily as a cook. She and Mrs. Warnock prepared the “grub” as Grandpa would say. Grandma recalled Brother Jim Warnock, their new pastor, refused to allow any complaint about the meals. Establishing that attitude of respect impressed Grandma.

        Grandpa went as a token male sponsor. He loved the outstanding teaching and preaching that Falls Creek always provided. His easy-going personality with an understated sense of humor emerged years later when Tony Warnock asked me about a little rhyme I had recited as a preschooler. Grandma had taught me to say, “Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.” Grandpa created a second line and I quickly learned, “Saddle up the cat and Nanny got on.”

        Mother recalled Paul Warnock meeting, getting to know in the youth group, and marrying Linda Bright at the Masham Baptist Church. Her usual comment: The Masham Kids were a good group.

        Recently, Vonnie Laird Robbins passed away. This brought many memories and mourning for Mother. (This link shares more about Vonnie:

        Vonnie’s sister, Linda Laird, sang with a beautiful soprano voice. Dad always connected with her at the Pawnee Sale Barn when he sold cattle. He would say, “I saw Linda when she gave me the check.” He delighted telling Mother any family updates Linda shared. Linda’s death brought such sadness to Mother’s heart.

        Nancy LeForce proved to be a committed Bible student--taught by Grandma in upper elementary grades, and then Mother in the high school years. Nancy sang with her sister, Janie, and Linda Laird in a trio that blessed many of the worship times at the Masham Baptist Church. Nancy’s grandparents served the Lord faithfully in many ways even hosting youth parties in their rural Masham home.

         Mother often commented, “It was always Nancy and Janie.” The girls were so close in age with Nancy being just slightly older, but Janie’s strong, determined personality belied that.* Mother was heartbroken when Janie and her son, Brett, were taken in a car accident in 1986.

        Janice and Glenda Wolf heralded from the rural Morrison area. Mother remembered Janice at the house parties, which were thoroughly enjoyed by the high schoolers. Recently, Janice sent a note expressing her appreciation to Mother for her influence in her salvation and spiritual journey. With Mother’s ministry opportunities being minimal, Janice brought encouragement to Mother’s heart. 

        Brother Jim and Opal Warnock, Jean Banning, my grandparents, and possibly Alwilda Laird had sacrificed a week of their summer to allow these young people to be immersed in Biblical teaching, preaching, and fellowship. May all who have a life committed to Jesus follow the Apostle Paul’s personal plan from I Corinthians 9:19 

Even though I am no one’s slave, yet I have made myself a slave to everyone. I have done this so that I might win more people to Christ.

*Our pastor commended Nancy LeForce Wills and her husband, Charles, for their willingness to serve the Lord faithfully week in and week out. He had served many years with them in the Pawnee Baptist Church. I enjoyed serving in VBS under Nancy’s directorship as children’s lives were influenced for eternity.

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