Sunday, June 9, 2024

Led But Not Exactly Following

          Recently, I moved, prepared, and filled the various types of block pans for the cattle. We were planning to allow them grazing privileges in the north pasture.

          After accomplishing all I wanted to do before turning the cattle in the north area, I called them. A couple of cows mooed in answer. I was pretty sure they were preoccupied with grazing the lush green grass that God had blessed us with this spring season.

Some of Mother's herd grazing. Only GSBG (Grand Sir's Baby Girl) looked
at me. She received her name upon being born as the final calf sired by Grand Sir.
Grand Sir was Dad's last bull whose favorite place to graze was the north side of
Big Bend Road outside the fence.

          I drove closer to the herd and parked on a rise. I called the cattle a couple of times with my voice and tapped the horn. A couple began coming. Soon most of the herd were following.

          Then almost as if a light bulb lit up for them, they moved past the truck. I slowed because they had missed the gate. They went straight to the spot where the block pans were. The only problem the fence separated them from the blocks they so wanted.

          I continued moving slowly toward the gate. I inched the truck through the opening and drove in the north pasture almost parallel with the area where the block pans were positioned.

          The cattle took a lick or two of the blocks and headed toward the new grassy pasture. The final one through the gate – a little steer – kicked up his hind hooves as if to signal, I think I’ll like it here!

          Frequently, we are like the cows who eagerly followed the truck, until they spotted the blocks. Don’t we often follow the Lord carefully until we see our prayers in sight? Just like the cattle, we head straight for our desires instead of following the Lord’s slower, sometime meandering, but meticulous leading to get us positioned for the very best for us. The detour we choose to take usually costs us time, delaying receiving our desires, and sometimes resulting in disappointment until we follow the Lord’s leading.

         Let’s obey God’s Voice recorded by the Prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 48:17:

Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, The Holy One of Israel: “I am the LORD your God, who teaches you to profit, who leads you by the way you should go.

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