Sunday, May 3, 2020

Must Know Who to Call

You Have to Know Who to Ask
                A few months ago, I jumped in the borrowed feed truck after putting out a bale and pulled the door closed. But it wouldn’t shut. In the cold, I tried to investigate the issue. After multiple, unsuccessful tries, I gripped the door’s handle with my left hand as tightly as possible to hold it closed. Using the other hand, I steered the feed truck slowly back to the house.
                After “Googling” what I perceived to be the problem and repeatedly trying the recommendations unsuccessfully, I duct taped the door shut. I was concerned about any possible moisture getting into the interior of the feed truck that had been loaned to us.
                The following day, I only needed to feed the cattle pellets so I used Dad’s old pickup. Early that morning, I tried to get the driver’s door shut – without success. For quite some time after feeding the cattle, I tried to implement some internet suggestions.
Every time I closed the Goad pickup
door during the remaining winter
 days, I thanked the Lord for Vonda's
 mechanical knowledge. Daily I pray
 a blessing upon Greg and Vonda
for their generosity to Mother and me.
The third day in the saga of the pickup door that wouldn’t shut, Vonda Goad called just to visit. Embarrassed about the situation in which I had somehow gotten their feed truck, I didn’t mention the problem. Mother insisted I speak up about it during the phone call. Vonda responded, “Oh, Sarah and I had that happen when she was little!”
                I renewed my effort and tried to follow directions online with no success. Doris McInturf called explaining she had dealt with a similar issue with her pickup door. She described exactly the way to get the door mechanism unstuck. I could move the latch as Doris had instructed but still could not get the driver’s door shut.
                Greg came to put out a bale. Vonda was coming later to visit with Mother. He and I tried to get the door shut without getting it to latch. In seconds, Vonda moved the latch, making it operational and shut the driver door completely. My only regret remained that I didn’t get to observe her method of unfreezing the latch.
                Boy! My recollection of that stuck door latch experience revealed the truth You have to know who to ask! That thought sent me to passages in God’s Word that bear this out. This is especially true as we navigate this COVID-19 crisis.
                As I thumbed through the pages of scripture, I thought It really is important to know a reliable source of truth. Numerous times, I have read and heard erroneous information ranging from inaccurate cures to people touting surefire protection against contracting the viral disease to misleading numbers or reports about cases nearby. Our source of information must be dependable and authoritative.
                Here are a few verses that affirm who we can go to for help during this stressful time. They remind us our hearts and minds can be at peace when we go to the Sovereign of the Universe. We know who to CALL, so let's go to Him, knowing He knows the way through this pandemic and all its aftermath. Let's affirm to Him we want to do things in accordance with His Word and live life His way.
Save, Lord! May the King answer us when we CALL. Psalm 20:9

Thus says the Lord…”CALL to Me, and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”
“Behold, I will bring health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth.
“I will cleanse them from all their iniquity (Iniquity implies a deliberate action against God and His laws.)  by which they have sinned against Me, and I will pardon all their iniquities by which they have sinned and by which they have transgressed (disobeyed) against Me.”
Jeremiah 33:2-3, 6, and 8

Lord, the Holy King of Heaven, we hunger to see the mighty things You desire to do. We need Your healing, Your peace and Your truth in our families and in our nation. Cleanse us from our deliberate sins against You, as we as a nation flagrantly disregard Your Word, and instead twist truth to accommodate our selfish wishes. Shamefaced,* we implore You, by the redemptive power of the blood of Jesus, take these transgressions away from us and enable us by Your strengthening Spirit, imparted to us, to obey and honor every principle 
from Your Holy Word.

*Daniel uses "shamefaced" in his prayer for national forgiveness recorded in Daniel 9:7 in the New American Bible, Revised Edition and The Living Bible.

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